What Users Say About fotoQuote Pro
"Thank you sooooo much for simplifying the commercial photography world."
Oh My God. Where have you been my whole life? I got a degree in commercial photography about 4 years ago – but NOBODY taught us the business end. I got a clue when I joined ASMP, but still, it’s hard to figure this out.
Finally – something to HELP me. Thank you sooooo much for simplifying the commercial photography world.
Joy Wolfenbarger
Photographer, NV
"fotoQuote played a vital role in a recent court case of mine for copyright infringement"
As a registered user of fotoQuote, (which by the way is one of the reasons I chose Photoshelter for my online image presence) I thought you might take great pleasure in knowing that fotoQuote played a vital role in a recent court case of mine for copyright infringement against a music venue who used my work without permission.
fotoQuote helped me provide detailed evidence and witness statements to back up my claim for damages and convince the judge that my work is worth significantly more, thousands of pounds versus the couple hundred pounds than the defendant tried to claim.
Jason Sheldon
Photographer, United Kingdom
Any photographer who plans to sell, dreams of selling or has been selling photography for years could benefit from fotoQuote
Outdoor Photographer Magazine
"Without fotoQuote, I would have been lost"
I recently did some extensive number crunching with fotoQuote to license a single image for web use. The quote I gave the client was $1400-$2200, which seemed really high to me, but they agreed to $1850, and didn’t even try to negotiate down, which is very rare when licensing images. Without fotoQuote, I would have been lost.
The software contains lots of tips and case studies to really help you think about your own situation and come up with the subjective assessments that are necessary in commercial/editorial work. It’s $150 well, well spent!
Jamie Pflughoeft
Photographer, WA
"I have been using fotoQuote for almost 15 years and could not run my business without it"
I just upgraded to the new fotoQuote this afternoon and it is amazing! I have been using fotoQuote since version one came out around 14-15 years ago and the newest version has so many new features it is awesome. There is much more here than just the pricing. Go. Get it. NOW!
If you are a photographer you must have this software installed on your computer. This thing will pay for itself many times over. All of us need help, and fotoQuote offers more to help a freelance photographer than anything else I know.
I have been using fotoQuote for almost 15 years and could not run my business without it. It is important for all of us to hold the line on pricing. Buy fotoQuote and invest in yourself. If you do not believe in yourself as a photographer no one will. We all need to start believing in ourselves and standing up for what is right at one time in our professional lives. Make this the day some of you start.
Photographer, CA
"It has already more than paid for itself"
fotoQuote already helped me negotiate a stock sale for five photos, raising the bar from the offered budget of $350 per photo to $600 per photo, so it has already more than paid for itself.
Louise Gubb
Photographer, South Africa
"I feel confident that the fotoQuote software will give me a fair price to quote"
Before I had fotoQuote I never knew exactly how much to charge for anything outside of my regular line of work, but now if I get a request to bid on something new, I feel confident that the fotoQuote software will give me a fair price to quote. My clients feel more comfortable with the pricing since it comes from a program that lots of other photographers are using, and I know I won’t be way too low or too high.
Sara Matthews
Photographer, NY
"Congratulations: the business of stock photography is all the better thanks to your efforts."
David Bull
Photographer, LA
"Thank you so much. I look forward to using the new software. I couldn’t feel luckier that this program was created. Thanks to the creators of the program for making starting a career easier!"
Michelle Mercurio
Photographer, NY
"fotoQuote gives me the ability to respond in a timely and confident manner"
I’m the kind of shooter that can use all the help he can get with the business end of photography. … fotoQuote gives me the ability to respond in a timely and confident manner… Thanks for the help where it is most needed.
Joel Sacket
Photojournalist, WA
"fotoQuote has been the most valuable purchase I’ve made recently, short of a camera."
Debra Ferguson
Southern Images, MS
"Thanks for the contribution to our photographic efforts."
The new fotoQuote makes Cradoc the modern-day Gutenberg, for they have revolutionized photographic communication. fotoQuote keeps our studio on the same page with clients, reduces ambiguity and increases our exposure and income. And to think; it is something money can buy! Thanks for the contribution to our photographic efforts.
Said Nuseibeh
Photographer, CA
"By using your additional insertion formula #1 we were able to invoice an extra $220 the day after we installed fotoQuote."
Jeff Schultz
Alaska Stock Images, AK
"so many photographers regard it as the standard"
I’ve got a copyright lawsuit we are working on against a 12.8 billion dollar company (my images are registered before publication with the LOC) and my lawyer suggested that I upgrade to FQ 5.0 (which I was planning on doing) as so many photographers regard it as the standard. It’s really great to include real numbers in a quote when there is documentation to back it up, along with fellow photographers that will testify to those numbers if need be.
Dan Coogan,
Photographer, AZ
"Students will make their money back on one assignment using this software!"
Wow, I just took a look at the new version of fotoQuote, this is really up-to-date and covers a lot of current questions like video and assignment fees, excellent!
I teach several workshops throughout the year and students will make their money back on one assignment using this software! I’ll spread the word”
Photographer/Educator, CO
"Thanks for your great product."
Your fotoQuote program got me about $600 more for the single photo than I would have quoted. They went for it and I have a purchase order coming. Thanks for your great product.
Tim Bradley
Photographer, WA
"I made the largest sale of my career"
I am writing you to thank you for your fotoQuote Pro software. I have been using fotoQuote and advocated it for many years. Over the past 15 years, I have made several large stock sales in the five-figure range with the aid of tools like fotoQuote.
This fall, your software paid off big time. I was contacted by a Swiss ad agency putting together a large ad campaign for a Swiss bank. Using your Quote Packages, I negotiated usage of five images for a total of more than $35,000. I have experienced the “good old days” of large ad campaigns, making five-figure sales to large corporations but it has been a few years since one of those came along and I didn’t quite believe that that kind of money was out there anymore.
Still, I was bolstered by your price guide and made a quote for a rights package that included limited print advertising, web usage, promotional email and brochures and flyers for a limited time. With a very small adjustment after my first quote, they agreed to my terms.
So, in the middle of this economy and the “stock crash,” I made the largest sale of my career. The money arrived in my bank just a few days before Christmas!
I wanted to share this with you to let you know that fotoQuote has made a big difference in my business and hope that it provides encouragement for other photographers.”
The reason I am revealing some of the details of this sale is to let photographers know that underselling yourself leads to underpayment and this feeds the downward trend of stock photo pricing. Being informed and using professional advice and tools is vital for the successful business at any time, but incredibly important in these economic times.
Photographer, CA
“A great value and shouldn’t be missed… no book can match it. Simple to use and fast, it’s a must-have at any price.”
Jack Neubart
Photo District News
"It’ll save you from headaches, and put more money in your pocket."
This past year I licensed a picture to a major textbook publisher. I happened to be on my way out the door in a rush, and named a fee without much thought.
Had I done it right and taken a few extra minutes to calculate the intended space usage and print run I could have pulled in another $150 and not made myself look cheap. What’s the right way? Be educated in what the current market is paying for space rates, frequency, etc. and stick to your guns every time.
The $150 I blew on that quote would have easily paid for fotoQuote Pro. It’s an easy to use program that takes every bit of the guesswork out of picture licensing and assignment photography pricing. Trust me on this one this software should be on every photographer’s hard drive. It’ll save you from headaches, and put more money in your pocket.
David Honl
Photographer, Turkey
"You have managed to simplify the time-consuming, and the sometimes complicated process of giving quotes to editors and publishers, and narrowed it down to a couple of minutes."
Paul K. Trace
Photographer, NJ
"I had called another photographer to get an idea on how to price images for a calendar usage. The first thing he said was “Get fotoQuote!” So I have him to thank for introducing me to your software.”"
Susan Slotter
Photographer, NM
"fotoQuote doesn’t simply offer a recommended price."
fotoQuote doesn’t simply offer a recommended price. The manual offers an introduction to the complexities of pricing and negotiating and offers a lot of good, basic business sense. The integrated help includes a feature called the Coach. This provides a number of suggestions valuable to both the beginner and someone savvy on pricing services who needs more business advice. Throughout the software, additional Coach screens provide guidance and include some interesting interview extracts from working professionals.
Wayne A. Munn
ASPP, Latent Images review, IL
"I just loaded fotoQuote into the computer. IT’S GREAT! Had it running in less than 5 minutes."
Jim Cavanuagh
Photographer, NY
"The client thought he was getting a super deal"
Producing the stock photographs has been the easy part; knowing what to charge for them has been the tough part. The first time I used fotoQuote I quoted a price that was double my ‘good guy’ fee and the client thought he was getting a super deal. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Dave Thurber
Photographer, CA
"fotoQuote is the number one program to help photographers gain a clear picture of how to price their photographic images. A must-have for every photographer."
Jean Ferro
Photo Artist/President, Women In Photography
"Thanks so much for your time and presentation. Our students really get a lot from those who come to speak to them. The value of fotoBiz and fotoQuote is unbeatable as a learning tool and to create a professional appearance."
Bill Robbins
Instructor/Brooks Institute, CA
"I just negotiated a $4k sale in about an hour this morning!! Wouldn’t have happened without your excellent software. Looking forward to more sales like that."
John Connell
Photographer, CA
What Users Say About fotoBiz
"It is an integral part of my every-day photo life."
After 25 years in the biz it’s great to have finally found a photo-administrative solution that works for me – simple but thorough. I’ve been implementing fotoBiz since the first of the year and it is becoming more and more intuitive and useful in keeping track of the different parts of my business, whether it’s a multi-day job for a corporate client or a headshot for a local actor.
It’s also very nice to know that the software is actively supported and continuing to improve. It is an integral part of my every-day photo life.
Kevin Morris
Photographer, ME
"We have been using fotoBiz for over eight years"
We have been using fotoBiz for over eight years and find that it gives us all the tools to take a job from start to finish – from the estimate to the invoice. fotoBiz provides all the necessary forms and wording, which are highly customizable, and allows us to track just about everything. We’ve recommended fotoBiz to many other professional photographers as it’s become the industry standard. It has made running our business so much easier.
Mary Jane Headlee
Business Manager for Ralph A. Clevenger)
"Nothing is overlooked or missed in planning"
fotoBiz is the only software I have seen that is 100% ready to service the needs of a professional photographer, everything from stock licensing to assignment estimates and invoices. We have been using it to manage our business since 2000. fotoBiz X has now taken the next steps to meet the dynamic needs of the ever-changing industry. Nothing is overlooked or missed in planning. I can’t imagine not having fotoBiz helping me manage our business.
Dan Patitucci
Photographer, Switzerland
"After purchasing fotoBiz X, I found that my very next project shaped up more efficiently"
I am still marveling at the impact that fotoBiz X is having on my day to day workflow. I have been using fotoQuote Pro 6 for some time but did not look into fotoBiz until I received an email about the new release. To be honest I believe it was the fotoBiz X overview video that made me sit up and take notice. As I watched I thought… I’ve had to do that… I should be doing that… Huh, I’ve never even thought of doing that!
After purchasing fotoBiz X, I found that my very next project shaped up more efficiently as I walked it through the process. With a few simple entries suddenly my repetitive tasks were becoming automated and the formerly separate steps in my project’s life cycle were becoming integrated. Again, thank you for creating this product!
Jeff Fadellin
Photographer, PA
"Thanks again for making this such a great program!"
I’ve had a little time to explore the fotoBiz X program in depth and it really has some wonderful features. The two that stand out the most are the ability to import the backup data – this really makes a simple task of keeping my laptop in sync with my desktop.
The visual image reference on stock invoices and quotes is great and having my image number tied to the photo versus an internally assigned tracking number saves the manual entry I had to do with the previous version.
Thanks again for making this such a great program!
Russ Bishop
Photographer, CA
"I had a fotoBiz milestone the other day, sending my first $10k invoice! Little did I know when I sought out fotoBiz to assist me in establishing a professional presence, that such an opportunity would present itself. I am really enjoying fotoBiz."
Mark Alberhasky
Photographer, KY
"Congratulations: the business of stock photography is all the better thanks to your efforts."
David Bull
Photographer, LA
"Nothing beats a good attorney, but fotoBiz comes close"
Nothing beats a good attorney, but fotoBiz comes close. Not long ago, I collected for a one-year internet license after discovering unauthorized image usage by a client. I sent them a couple of your collection letters and the client paid! fotoBiz has repaid its purchase price so many times that I’ve lost count. Thanks!!!
Alan Ackoff
Photographer, NM
"I am completely thrilled to have this software"
Just wanted to send a quick note to say I received my fotoBiz software today, and within hardly more than an hour had it installed, a handful of images listed and a Stock Delivery Memo and cover letter ready to go out the door!
I am completely thrilled to have this software, and you can consider me a 100% satisfied customer upon Day One of receiving and experiencing your program… I’m sure I’ll be a 1000% satisfied customer once I get to know the program more thoroughly!
Thank you so much for developing such a professional and comprehensive program for us independent photographers.
Susan Slotter
Photographer, NM
"Wonderful program – I’m learning my way around it and have a few actual invoices ready to go out, priced by fotoQuote, verbiage by fotoBiz. I like it a lot. Congratulations: the business of stock photography is all the better thanks to your efforts."
David Bull
Photographer, LA
"This should be mandatory software for every photographer."
I just wanted to say thanks. I have had fotoBiz open for about an hour and I feel as if a large heavy object was lifted off my back. This is awesome, this should be mandatory software for every photographer. Even students at photo schools, even though not many teach biz practices. Probably for good reason, if they knew how tough it was they would probably all become lawyers.
Gary W. Kellner
Photographer, OH
"With fotoBiz and fotoQuote, I am on the road to success without re-inventing the wheel."
Bill Robbins
Instructor/Brooks Institute, CA
"I had been using fotoBiz and fotoQuote for billing and stock for the last year."
I had been using fotoBiz and fotoQuote for billing and stock for the last year. The gear list was something extra that comes with fotoBiz I didn’t even know was on there when I purchased the program. I eventually used it when I applied for a new business insurance policy, then this summer going on an assignment to Peru, I had a last minute feeling I was going to have problems at customs. I had used Carnets before on assignments internationally, but I was running out of time.
At the last minute, I printed out my gear list in the Airline club at La Guardia before just boarding the plane to Miami where I caught my flight to Lima. Indeed when I landed in Peru and went thru customs they wanted $3,000 to bring my equipment into the country. They brought me and my equipment into a holding area asked me how I was going to pay. I had press credentials, a letter from my editor, and nothing worked, then I produced my fotoBiz Gear List. The agent looked it over, and let me and all seven cases enter Peru.
Max Aguilera-Hellweg
Photographer, NY
"Your software paid for itself with my first job"
Just a quick note on how impressed I am with the newest version of fotoBiz. After being a stock shooter for nearly thirty years, I recently decided to start doing more assignment work and your software paid for itself with my first job.
I’ve done a few assignments in the past and always wondered about all the incidentals I should be charging for. When I received this assignment request I decided it was time to bite the bullet and produce paperwork that looked more professional. The first thing I did was buy fotoBiz. So happy I did. You’ve done a great job, it makes me look extremely professional and the client was happy and impressed by how quickly I was able to get an estimate off to her.
I was equally impressed since I bought the software, plugged in my contact info and within a couple of hours had sent out the Estimate. Amazing to be able to do that so quickly. Thanks again. Can’t say enough about how happy I am I bought your fabulous software.
Daniel J Cox
Photographer, MT
"fotoBiz X is a program I rely on daily"
fotoBiz X is a program I rely on daily, it integrates easily with my workflow. The Contacts screen provides the needed information in a well laid-out format. I can easily switch to invoices, submissions, stock quotes, etc. for greater detail. Everything is quickly viewed on one screen – a real time saver.
Maintenance upgrades are a snap. The upgrade installed smoothly and without a loss of data or forms. Cradoc fotoSoftware readily takes input from its users and evaluates each desired or enhanced feature for future releases.
Want to send an email to a customer? Easily done using the templates. Tracking print or stock sales? Once again, easily accomplished especially with the thumbnail images for quick reference. Tracking stock production sales/expenses? Works great. Even things as simple as printing an envelope are accomplished with ease. Tracking equipment and insurance is also a snap with fotoBiz X. The reports within fotoBiz X are easily generated and very useful in evaluating sales, submissions and other criteria.
There are many features I use constantly in fotoBiz, and others I’m still learning as I need them. This is a great program, and works well in tandem with Lightroom. Thanks!
Drake Fleege
Photographer, WI
I used the converter program you created to transfer my database from fotoBiz 2.0 to fotoBiz X, and I have to tell you, I am truly impressed with how well it worked. My database is over 10 years old, and everything imported flawlessly.
Photographer, NY
"I wanted to drop you a note of thanks for the program. Your products fotoBiz and fotoQuote have streamlined my operation and allowed me to focus on taking pictures, not on paperwork"
Mark Quinn
Photographer, OH
"Thanks for all your help in getting us up and running. These efforts have helped us feel welcome and taken care of. I am very impressed with all the little things that I have missed with other programs that say to me you are listening to our needs."
Steven Widoff
Photographer, FL
"FotoBiz is an evolutionary product"
Each of the functional areas of fotoBiz clearly attests to the amount of thought and effort that went into development. FotoBiz is an evolutionary product. During the time I spent with the program I kept trying to come up with some way of comparing fotoBiz with other products.
For me, fotoBiz is the equivalent of the Swiss Army knife for running a freelance photography business. It has a large number of tools within one compact package. For many freelancers fotoBiz will allow them to efficiently handle administration, giving them more time to focus on developing the craft of growing their photography business.
Wayne A. Munn
ASPP, Latent Images review, IL
"When I purchased fotoBiz I thought I would have the usual month long getting used to scenarios for computer idiots such as myself. A monkey could use this program as it is so user-friendly ."
Barry Kinsella
Photographer, FL
"Covers pretty much everything a working photo professional could ever possibly need"
I just wanted to thank you and say what an AMAZING and incredibly useful program this is. I really love it, and I am wondering how I ever got along without it. It is well written, and thought out, and covers pretty much everything a working photo professional could ever possibly need. Thanks so much for all of the effort and hard work that has gone into this program!
Andy Daddio
Photographer, OR
"I tell them it is probably the best business investment I ever made"
I want to thank you again for your wonderful software, which I use continuously. A friend and colleague originally recommended it to me. In turn, I have recommended it to numerous colleagues in the Association of Medical Illustrators. I tell them it is probably the best business investment I ever made. Hopefully, they took my recommendation and purchased it.
Teri J. McDermott MA CMI
Medical Illustrator, IL
"Thanks for a great program, it has made some tedious aspects of my paperwork go along much easier."
Alexander Vertikoff
Photographer, NM
“The value of FotoBiz and FotoQuote is unbeatable as a learning tool and to create a professional appearance.”
Bill Robbins
Instructor/Brooks Institute of Photography, CA
"I just had to tell you that it’s awesome"
Thank you so much for calling me today…everything is working GREAT!! I love this program..how did I not know about you sooner??!! Anyway I am writing a paragraph about it for the business chapter and putting in a sample estimate made with fotoBiz! I just had to tell you that it’s awesome..can’t wait to put it in action.
Suzette Troche
Photographer/Digital Imaging Expert, CA
"This program is without a doubt an answer to my prayers"
I am incredibly excited about learning everything that fotoBiz is able to do. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about what I see. I am SOOOO stoked. This program is without a doubt an answer to my prayers. I can’t believe I now actually have the tools I need to handle the business end of my photography. I look forward to the fear and frustrations of rate negotiations to fade away as I become more and more familiar with everything in fotoBiz.
Ana Gatchell
Photographer, CA
What Users Say About fotoKeyword Harvester™
"This keywording system is a huge step up from how I’ve been doing it all these years!"
Thank you so much for making the fotoKeyword Harvester! I have learned so much about photo keywording since I started using the software in January. I am looking forward to the stock photography buying season at the end of this year to see the results.
This keywording system is a huge step up from how I’ve been doing it all these years! One single stock license should more than pay for the cost of the software. Thank you!
Eric Bowers
Photographer, KS
"Learned the program in 15 minutes"
Before yesterday, my keywording process would often involve me staring at the computer screen for a few hours with my mind completely blank…
This week, a lifeline appeared on the keywording front when Cradoc fotoSoftware released the fotoKeyword Harvester. I purchased it yesterday, learned the program in 15 minutes, and in less than an hour I had several images keyworded and ready for upload.
Jonathan Kingston
Photographer, OR
"Nothing could be easier to use."
I have just started using the software product from Cradoc called the fotoKeyword Harvester, a keywording program for stock photographers. Nothing could be easier to use.
Once your browser is configured to bring up tabs for each web site, the Harvester provides a very handy reference for doing an in-depth search on appropriate keywords at multiple sites. A simple cut and paste and an automatic check for duplicate keywords and voila! The keywording is done in a flash.
David Litschel
Provost, Brooks Institute
"The fotoKeyword Harvester is a brilliant program. I’ve had it for a day and I love it. I keyword all the time. It’s perfection. Thank you very much!"
Peter Hvizdak
Photographer, CT
"improve the creativity and efficiency of even accomplished keyworders."
The trickiest part of keywording is knowing when to stop — how to make sure you’ve described your images adequately without diluting the list with too many generic or irrelevant terms.
The fotoKeyword Harvester is a versatile, customizable program that tackles both sides of the issue. The clever harvesting system and organized controlled vocabulary should help improve the creativity and efficiency of even accomplished keyworders.
Kate Thomas
Linguist, PhotoShelter
"Cradoc has once again simplified a very complicated part of my workflow."
Keywords are so critical to marketing my images these days. Without keywords people can’t find my photographs, so they’re the most important element in the metadata package.
Typically I work with Lightroom, and now with the fotoKeyword Harvester open on my desktop as I import or caption images I can locate and manage all the keywords I need. The fotoKeyword Harvester is really intuitive at coming up with keywords I didn’t think of, and the built-in Keyword Composer ensures that I have all of the word variations that are needed in the world of ‘searching’.
Cradoc has once again simplified a very complicated part of my workflow.
Ralph A. Clevenger
Photographer, CA
"It’s totally changed my whole understanding of keywording."
I’m getting great mileage on the harvester’s ability to absorb new words. Already on the conceptual moods I have: 118 negative moods and 98 positive moods. I’m loving this program. It’s totally changed my whole understanding of keywording.
I was totally oblivious to the importance of concepts and yet most of my stock work is commercial. Needless to say; this program (like fotoQuote) is going to be indispensable not to mention key in the success of my stock business.
I totally thought I was on it with the keywording, but now I see that there’s lots to improve on. Even looking at many of the big photo agents, I’d have to say that they could benefit greatly from using this program. You guys really do make great software that is not only practical, but pays for itself very quickly indeed. 5 stars out 5 from me.
Sean Davey
Photographer, HI