fotoQuote® Pro 7 Quote Software
fotoQuote® Pro 7 is the industry standard photography pricing guide and quote software for freelance photographers, helping you determine and negotiate a fair price for your photography. Pricing for over 360 categories of stock photos and over 70 assignment types giving you over 10,000 pricing options.
The Industry Standard for Pricing Photography
fotoQuote® Pro 7 is a powerful quoting and licensing tool providing you with all you need to bid, quote, price and protect your images.

No Recurring Fees - Instant Download, Onetime Payment
fotoQuote® Pro 7 is a powerful quoting and licensing tool providing you with all you need to bid, quote, price and protect your images.
fotoQuote® Pro 7 Includes:
- Photography Assignment pricing guide
- Stock Photography pricing guide
- Negotiation Hints
- Image Licensing with RightsWriter™ License Builder
- Multiple Currencies
- Value added items like risky shoots
- Assignment line item pricing
- Magazine Database
- Social Media photography pricing guide
- Thousands of pricing variables
- Quoting forms & templates
- iOS version for pricing information on the go
- Quote tracking at a glance
- Powerful coaching tool

Industry Standard Stock Photography Pricing Guide
Stock image categories include:
- Print & Electronic Advertising
- Editorial & Corporate
- Social Media
- TV & Film Footage & Stills
- Computer & Software applications

Assignment Photography Price Guide
Assignment pricing information consists of examples of what other people have charged for various types of jobs. This information is an invaluable reference guide to help determine a price that is best for the freelance photographer and their clients.

Includes Assignment Line Item Pricing
We’ve considered all the factors you need to include in your assignment quotes, including items like:
- Accountants
- Drone operators
- Caterers
- Stylists
Stock and Assignment Photography Price Guide
The fotoQuote photo pricing guide is the only source of photo pricing information for photographers that includes powerful coaching help for every category. The fotoQuote price guide not only helps you come up with a fair price for your image license, but it also gives you the negotiation information you need to help you close the sale. Like all of our business software for freelance photographers, fotoQuote is built to support you!
Numbers by themselves don’t mean anything if you can’t convince your client that your image is worth what you are asking.
fotoQuote® Pro 7 Includes:
- Still and video stock footage categories
- Assignment pricing
- Image thumbnails
- International currency
- RightsWriter™ License Builder
Get Paid Fairly for Your Assignments
The fotoQuote® assignment photography price guide section is rich with information about business practices, assignment pricing, creative fees, pricing strategies, and negotiation tips from nationally successful photographers.
You’ll find help and tips for pricing many types of assignments, from simple editorial jobs through complex jobs with half-million-dollar budgets. There are over 35 coaching tips included in the program with a wide range of topics from budgets and copyright to raising your rates and video production.
- Aerial photography
- Architectural photography
- Event photography
1000's Of Satisfied Photographers Use Our Software Every Day
“Oh My God. Where have you been my whole life? I got a degree in commercial photography about 4 years ago – but NOBODY taught us the business end. I got a clue when I joined ASMP, but still, it’s hard to figure this out. Finally – something to HELP me. Thank you sooooo much for simplifying the commercial photography world.”
“The trickiest part of keywording is knowing when to stop — how to make sure you’ve described your images adequately without diluting the list with too many generic or irrelevant terms. The fotoKeyword Harvester is a versatile, customizable program that tackles both sides of the issue. The clever harvesting system and organized controlled vocabulary should help improve the creativity and efficiency of even accomplished keyworders.”
“Wow, I just took a look at the new version of fotoQuote, this is really up-to-date and covers a lot of current questions like video and assignment fees, excellent! I teach several workshops throughout the year and students will make their money back on one assignment using this software! I’ll spread the word”
“Before yesterday, my keywording process would often involve me staring at the computer screen for a few hours with my mind completely blank… This week, a lifeline appeared on the keywording front when Cradoc fotoSoftware released the fotoKeyword Harvester. I purchased it yesterday, learned the program in 15 minutes, and in less than an hour I had several images keyworded and ready for upload.”
“We have been using fotoBiz for over eight years and find that it gives us all the tools to take a job from start to finish – from the estimate to the invoice. fotoBiz provides all the necessary forms and wording, which are highly customizable, and allows us to track just about everything. We’ve recommended fotoBiz to many other professional photographers as it’s become the industry standard. It has made running our business so much easier.”
“After 25 years in the biz it’s great to have finally found a photo-administrative solution that works for me – simple but thorough. I’ve been implementing fotoBiz since the first of the year and it is becoming more and more intuitive and useful in keeping track of the different parts of my business, whether it’s a multi-day job for a corporate client or a headshot for a local actor. It’s also very nice to know that the software is actively supported and continuing to improve. It is an integral part of my every-day photo life.”
“fotoBiz is the only software I have seen that is 100% ready to service the needs of a professional photographer, everything from stock licensing to assignment estimates and invoices. We have been using it to manage our business since 2000. fotoBiz X has now taken the next steps to meet the dynamic needs of the ever-changing industry. Nothing is overlooked or missed in planning. I can’t imagine not having fotoBiz helping me manage our business.”
Frequently Asked Questions
The software provides pricing for both stock and assignment photography. Stock image categories include print & electronic advertising, editorial & corporate, social media, TV & film footage & stills, and computer & software applications. Assignment pricing information offers examples of charges for various types of jobs, along with line item pricing for specific assignments.
fotoQuote® Pro 7 includes negotiation hints and a powerful coaching tool with over 35 tips on topics like budgets, copyright, raising rates, and video production. It helps you justify your pricing to clients and close sales effectively.
No, there are no recurring fees. fotoQuote® Pro 7 is available for a one-time payment, and you can download it instantly after purchase.
Yes, the software supports multiple currencies, making it suitable for international pricing.
Quote Photos With Confidence
fotoQuote® Pro 7 is a powerful quoting and licensing tool providing you with all you need to bid, quote, price and protect your images.